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Numéro art 15


For its 15th issue, Numéro art celebrates the new artistic season with two exceptional covers. Legendary photographers Luigi & Iango pay tribute to Surrealism for the Centre Pompidou's exhibition on the movement. It took the duo 14 days to complete this explosive and totally contemporary series. The magazine also features a striking duo on the cover, with international star Ugo Rondinone on one side, and Tarek Lakhrissi, an emerging art figure in France, on the other. Respectively mentor and young talent in the Reiffers Art Initiatives mentoring program, they present their joint exhibition in Paris until December. An immersive journey through color.... 

Also in this issue, the season's major events, including the Art Basel Paris fair and our portrait of 8 Parisian gallerists, leading figures in the young art scene. But also unmissable exhibitions such as Arte povera at the Bourse de Commerce, Pop Forever at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, Rirkrit Tiravanija at LUMA Arles and Martine Syms at Lafayette Anticipations. Not forgetting Paris Photo and our focus on 5 women photographers.

Numéro art is also a showcase for emerging artists, with an original work created for the magazine by the young Saudi artist Anhar Salem, a brilliant multimedia jack-of-all-trades, and a sensitive portrait of the Iranian artist Armineh Negahdari, whose tormented drawings we discover.

Last but not least, this edition takes us into the studios of such extraordinary artists as Jean-Marie Appriou, one of the leading sculptors on the French scene, known for his phantasmagorical works, and Marc Leschelier, a trained architect and creator of astonishing brutalist forms.

9,90 € TTC

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